Thursday, October 8, 2009

Our first NM LGBT NEM blog!!

Hello, New Mexico and the greater LGBT community! We're fired up and ready to go for the National Equality March. Five delegates are already there: Dimas, Cheyenne, Brandy, Adam, Jeffery, and Brooke.

Last night we had an awesome sign making party. Watch out for the pictures. The best ones I think were "Albuqueerque" and "Some people are gay. Get over it!"

We were just on KTAO this morning talking about the march, and their will be an article in the Alibi coming out soon!

Don't forget to e-mail us with your stories and whatever message you'd like!! and find all of us on our facebook page: One Struggle One Fight - New Mexico.

More later.

xo Kelly
Facebook: Kelly Equality Hutton